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Ingreso a la Feria Virtual

Feria Virtual

Equipo Técnico

  • In this photo from left to right: Carlos Augusto Aranzazu, Programmar Technology Area; Diana Fernanda Torres, Head of Research Area; Lina Fernanda Morera, Democratic Governance Researcher; Paola Carolina García, Courses Management; and Juliana Gómez, Head of Finance Area

  • In this photo left to right: Gemma Xarles, General Coordinator and Carla Rodríguez, Head of Administration

  • In this photo from left to right: Sonia Fiscò, Head of Associates and Partnerships; Ana María Escobar, Head of Management Area; Karen Ortíz, Asistente Mangement of services;Juan Gabriel Sáenz, e-Learning engineer; amd Bárbara De Castro, Account Management

  • In this photo from left to right: Andoni Maldonado, Head of Technology; Wilmer Castañeda, Teacher in the Pedalogical Area ; Catalina Salazar, Finance Assistant; Carlos Valdivies, Human Development Researcher ; y Claudia González, Adminstration Assistant.

  • In this photo left to right: Mery Morales, Pedalogical Assistant; Carolina Rodríguez, Financial Assitant; Angharad Collado, Head of Partnerships and Communications; David Ramírez, Virtual Library Assitant

  • In this photo left to right: Alexander Aldana, e-Learning Specialist and Nicolás Padilla, Technical Support Assitant

  • In this photo left to right:Alexander Aldana, e-Learning Specialist; Gemma Kingsford-Smith, Communciations and Partnerships Manager, Marcela Ruiz, Communications and Partnerships Manager: and Nicna Camargo, Pedalogical Assistant

  • In this photo left to right: Marcela Ruiz, Communications and Partnerships Managery Nicna Camargo Pedalogical Assistant

  • In this photo left to right: Luz Rincón, Head of Pedalogical Area and Carla Rodríguez, Head of Administration

  • In this photo left to right: Paola Carolina García, Management of courses and Giovanni Guatibonza, Researcher