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Our organisational structure is based on high academic standard. Around 200 men and women professionals work with us to improve the service to our students:



The management of the Virtual School falls under the Academic direction of Professor Hernando Gómez Buendia and Gemma Xarles I Jubany for the General Coordination.

The Main Board who outlines the policies of the Virtual School and the development of new training methods, is overseen by:

Mr Heraldo Muñoz
General Secretary – United Nations
Assistant Administrator and Regional Director
Regional Direction for Latin America and the Caribbean - UNDP

Stefano Pettinato
Leader Poverty Reduction Cluster, Regional Direction for Latin America and the Caribbean - UNDP

Álvaro Pinto
Leader Democratic Governance Cluster, Regional Direction for Latin America and the Caribbean

Pablo Ruíz Hiebra
Leader, Conflict Prevention and Early Recovery

Gemma Xarles i Jubany
General Coordinator  Virtual School

Hernando Gómez Buendía
Academic Director Virtual School

The Virtual School team manages the design and implementation of training programs, guaranteeing quality whilst maintaining the United Nations focus. Working hand in hand with the Academic team that actively works to maintain high academic standards.